C&T Intergroup Vacancies

We have vacancies for service positions within our Intergroup. To find out more about this rewarding service and how you can help, click on the link below to e-mail the Secretary. 


The Vice-Chair is responsible for undertaking the role of Chair if the Chair is absent.

 Requires at least two years of sobriety.

Public Information Liaison Officer 

A Public Information Officer is responsible for ensuring that information about the AA message and programme of recovery is conveyed to outside organisations to the best possible advantage. The provision of a panel of members to comply with requests for speakers is an important part of this activity.

A minimum of at least two years of sobriety is suggested.

Prison Liaison Officer

A Prison Liaison Officer is responsible for sponsoring prison groups.

 Requires at least two years of sobriety.

Region Rep x 2

Regional Representatives and alternates should be elected by their intergroup as carefully as Group Service Representatives. They should be chosen as a general rule from amongst serving GSRs but a member, who has the necessary qualifications, maybe elected, even if not serving as a GSR.  Such a representative will attend all intergroup meetings to report from the region and to hear from the intergroup their wishes to be expressed at the next regional meeting.


Share Liaison

SHARE/Roundabout Liaison Officers provide the essential contacts between members, groups, and editorial teams. They actively encourage the contribution of articles and letters and the promotion of magazines. 

Telephone Liaison 

A quote from our co-founder Bill W on General Service in AA:

 “An AA service is anything whatever that helps us reach a fellow sufferer – ranging all the way from the Twelfth Step itself to a ten-cent phone call and a cup of coffee, and to AA’s

General Service Office for national and international action.   The sum total of all these services is our Third Legacy of Service.” (Pass It On, page 347)