Problem with alcohol?
If you think you might have a problem with alcohol, Alcoholics Anonymous is available to help.
We are not an organisation in the conventional sense of the word and there are no dues or fees for AA membership. We are simply sober alcoholics who wish to help others with an alcohol problem. Alcoholics Anonymous has no views on your drinking, we merely have a program of action that has worked for us and that we are willing to share with anyone else who may need help.
If you think you may have a problem with alcohol, we suggest that you call our national helpline where you can talk with an alcoholic. You'll likely be put through to one of us locally. You can also chat online with another alcoholic, email us, or simply turn up at one of our meetings, many of which are online.
Consider these twelve questions.
Have you ever decided to stop drinking for a week or so, but only lasted for a couple of days?
Do you wish people would mind their own business about your drinking – stop telling you what to do?
Have you ever switched from one kind of drink to another in the hope that this would keep you from getting drunk?
Have you had a drink in the morning during the past year?
Do you envy people who can drink without getting into trouble?
Have you had problems connected with drinking during the past year?
Has your drinking caused trouble at home?
Do you ever try to get ‘extra’ drinks at a party because you do not get enough?
Do you tell yourself you can stop drinking any time you want to, even though you keep getting drunk when you don’t mean to?
Have you missed days off work because of drinking?
Do you have ‘blackouts’?
Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not drink?
Did you answer 'yes' four times or more? If so, you are probably in trouble with alcohol. Why do we say this? Because thousands of people in AA have said so for many years. They found out the truth about themselves – the hard way.
About AA Meetings
AA meetings come in all shapes and sizes but all endeavour to provide a welcoming and enriching environment for anyone who would like to attend.
If you would like to speak to someone before attending a meeting, we suggest you call our national helpline. Alternatively, you are welcome to simply turn up at any of our meetings. You do not have to say anything, pay anything or do anything.
Most meetings follow a similar style but each group is unique. Some meetings will start the meeting with a speaker who shares their experiences of alcoholism and recovery. Others will begin by reading a section of AA literature. Almost all meetings have a period of open sharing, where anyone is welcome to speak. You may wish to speak, you may not, it is entirely your choice.
When attending an AA meeting, it's helpful to remember that the views you will hear are solely the views of the individual. All AA members are free to interpret our recovery programme in their own terms, but no one can speak for their group or AA as a whole.
Meetings are either 'open' or 'closed'. Anyone interested in AA is welcome to attend an open meeting. Closed meetings are restricted to those with a desire to stop drinking.
Click the button below to find a meeting near you.
Learn more
If you'd like to learn more, why not download these few leaflets which contain answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Is AA for you?

15 points...

Now that you've stopped

Who me?

A newcomer asks...
The Big Book
'The Big Book' is AA members' fond name for the basic text of our fellowship, Alcoholics Anonymous. It contains lots of personal journeys and insights, as well as practical information on The 12 Steps. You can read it for free by clicking the button below.